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A year in nothing but cloth nappies!

A year in nothing but cloth nappies!

My baby is 1 today!

Zoe has been our nothing but cloth nappies baby.  Not a single disposable nappy has touched her behind!  She is baby number three in our family though so I’ve had the opportunity to ‘practice’ with the older two children.

It was quite fun packing the hospital bag for this baby.  A whole extra bag had to be packed to fit in plenty of cloth nappies.  Such a colourful bag it was too with such a large variety of nappies plus the wetbag needed to store the dirties in.  I figured the key to success with my plan was ensuring I had enough cloth nappies.  I wanted to use this opportunity of having a new born in the house again to trial all of our range for their capabilities of handling the new born requirements of a nappy.

My plans for trialling the nappies on an average sized new born went out the window when our baby girl was born 10 pounds!  The first nappy we used was the GroVia New Born All In One thinking it was the smallest looking one so would offer the best fit on a new born baby.  I had it already snapped down to the smallest setting so it was ready for whoever got the task of putting it on baby, incase it wasn’t me.  Funny thing was, it didn’t fit her!  (Well, snapped down to the smallest setting, it didn’t fit her).  I was quite stunned when my midwife said she couldn’t get the nappy on our baby!  Anyway, it was unsnapped to the larger setting and fit perfectly.  (As the days and weeks went by and our baby’s shape changed I found I had to snap the GroVia New Born All In One back to the smallest size for a while.)

Our local hospital provides every baby with disposable nappies.  I found it a little amusing when the nurse walked in to ‘refill’ our stash of disposable nappies (which I hadn’t touched anyway).  It went a little like this…

Nurse: “I’m just bringing you some more nappies”

Me: “I don’t need them thanks, I’ve brought cloth nappies with me and am using them” (Pointing to my pretty coloured stack of nappies in the room)

Nurse: “Oh…. Um….  I’ll just leave them here anyway...”

Me: “Ok, but I won’t be using them…”

I’m not sure if she’d crossed anyone ‘crazy enough’ to use cloth nappies from birth!  Well, at least now she has.  I have definitely found it easier this time around than it was with my first and second child using cloth from birth and I think that is mostly down to having plenty of them available (and perhaps a little practice so that I felt confident with what I was doing).

Over the coming months we will be adding a comprehensive guide on how to choose the right nappy for your baby and family and also how to decipher all of the different nappy options available.  If you have specific questions you  would like us to cover, please let us know.  In the meantime, you are more than welcome to get in touch with your questions.

Did you know that using just one cloth nappy a day could save you more than $250 up to toilet training?  Imagine how much you could save using them more often!

xx Jacquie xx

Posted: Sunday 27 January 2013


  • I tried with our daughter but found it too hard as a newborn. We used cloth from when she was about five months until she outgrew her Bitti Tutos and I loved it. Looks like she will be our only so I guess I should be selling my stash.
    Posted: 2013-01-31 14:22   by Claire T

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